Download blood bowl khorne bloodspawn
Download blood bowl khorne bloodspawn

download blood bowl khorne bloodspawn

Huge, bulging muscles, razor-sharp bone spurs, vicious talons, and more are the hallmarks of a Bloodspawn. A Bloodspawn is especially 'blessed' in this manner, having become horribly swollen and distorted with Khorne's murderous power. Now there is only Blood Bowl.The Blood God gifts his most dedicated slaughterers with mutations that better enable them to kill in his name. Well… when I played those others like AoS, and Underworlds. The Chaos Chosen box was given away, and in a weird turn of events I’ve turned into a pretty big Khorne advocate across GW’s games. I like the Chaos Chosen sculpts a lot, and bought a box. Chaos was my least favorite time in BB 3rd edition all the way up until BB16.

download blood bowl khorne bloodspawn

I can still see that booster in my hands at some point down the road… Maybe they’re all from the same….litter? Forge World has a very nice booster with two unique Khorngores I could add, and I intended too, but I ended up falling into extra Khorne team plastic sprues, so have just settled with the duplicate sculpts here. I didn’t have a spare head that would go well on these models, plus I really like them as is. Uh-oh, this fleet of Khorngores all pretty much look identical. With the Marauders above we have the same situation of duplicate sculpts so AoS helmets are used to set them apart. These helmets give them a little individuality. With four on the BB team proper, they’d look like two sets of twins. Well, that team also only has two Bloodseekers, so each are unique. The current Chaos Chosen models have it right with football styled helmets, and I use the standard BB Khorne team football helmets on my Khorne Blitz Bowl team. The Bloodseekers have AoS helmets in a throw back nod to the original Chaos Blockers in 3rd edition having straight up Chaos Warrior heads instead of fantasy football helmets. For some reason, I’ve always enjoyed the Big Guys standing out quite a bit from the rest of their squad. The color scheme of the team is based on my Ironkeep Bloodskin AoS army, where all the models had shades of red skin.

download blood bowl khorne bloodspawn

James (from WS&TZ!) was kind enough to send me his Forge World Bloodspawn, so this minotaur will probably become Blackhoof or something if we ever induce him. However, he can be confused for an actual Minotaur and his limbs (and tail!) stick out quite a bit.

download blood bowl khorne bloodspawn

i like the model a lot, particularly having an actual claw. The Pedro Ramos sculpted Minotaur on the right was used as our Bloodspawn at Chaos Cup.

Download blood bowl khorne bloodspawn